Saturday, 7 August 2010


Because existence can become severe
in one day,
just sense me and I'll be there.
In the minds eye,
I'm not so far away.
If you hold out your hand,
in the whispers,
I'll become the zephyr.
and besiege you.
If your eye's upon the stars,
in the crystalline darkness,
I'll become the moon.
And the light shall guide you.
If you rest upon the ground,
in the warmth,
I'll become the grass.
And embrace you.
If you turn outside,
in the wetness,
I'll become the rain.
An upon your forehead, kiss you.
If you free the air,
in the light of day,
I'll become the sun.
And smile for you.

Between the miles-
if you need me.
If you need a friend.
Let me be the friend, I want to be.

(Thank you for this lovely smile )


Build bridges instead of walls and you will have a friend.Words build bridges into unexplored regions.Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.Being nice is one of many bridges on the road to Happiness.Love builds bridges where there are none.Never burn your bridges till you come to them

My puppy

Now I lay me down to sleep,

The king-size bed is soft and deep..

I sleep right in the center groove

My human being can hardly move!

I've trapped his legs, he's tucked in tight

And here is where I pass the night

No one disturbs me or dares intrude

Till morning comes and "I want food!"

I sneak up slowly to begin

my nibbles on my human's chin.

He wakes up quickly,

I have sharp teeth-

I'm a puppy, don't you see?

For the morning's here

and it's time to play

I always seem to get my way.

So thank you Lord for giving me

This human person that I see.

The one who hugs and holds me tight

And shares his bed with me at night!

(for Mike and his puppies )