Monday, 22 February 2010


The first red rose
Sent out of season
The second red rose
Sent for no reason
The third red rose
Sent for happiness and health
The fourth red rose
Sent for gaining life's wealth
The fifth red rose
Sent for gaining new friends
The sixth red rose
Sent for guiding you through life's bends
The seventh red rose
Sent for praying you never tire
The eighth red rose
Sent for giving you all of your desire's
The ninth red rose
Sent for your happiness in love
The tenth red rose
Sent for hoping I'm your turtledove
The eleventh red rose
Sent for igniting passion and fire
The twelve red rose
Sent for hoping I'm your desire


A best friend
is always there,
whether you need advice,
or a pep talk,
or even a shoulder to cry on.
A best friend
listens with her heart
and is always honest with you,
even though the truth
may not be
what you want to hear.
A best friend
knows all your secrets,
understands your fears
shares your dreams.
A best friend
never stops believing in you
even if you give up
on yourself.
you are
that kind of friend
to me.
And no matter what happens,
you always will be.
You are my best friend....
my forever friend.


Thursday, 18 February 2010

Celebrate Dragobete on the 24th of February

Dagobete is the Romanian protector of love, celebrated on the 24th of February. He is the patron of pure love and good will. Dragobete is identified with Cupid, the Roman god of love and with his Greek counterpart, Eros. Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia and part of his name, "drag" (dear) is found in the word "dragoste" (love).
During the day, considered locally the first day of spring, the boys and girls pick up spring flowers and sing together. The unmelted snow still present in many villages used to be collected and the water obtained used as a magic potion by young girls during the year.
Dragobete' is a traditional Romanian holiday, celebrated on February 24. Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia.
The day is known as "the day when the birds are getting engaged". This day is supposed to protect one from the fever which produces shivers and illness. If the weather allows it, girls and boys are supposed to pick snowdrops or other early spring plants for someone they are courting. Dragobete is also known as being the day of lovers for Romanians.
A common belief (in some parts of Romania) during this celebration is that if one steps over his/her partner's foot, he/she will have the dominating role in their relationship. The usual activities for this custom vary from region to region.
In neighbouring Bulgaria, the custom of stepping over the partner's feet is traditionally performed at weddings with the same purpose, but it is not believed to be connected to Dragobete.

Sunday, 14 February 2010



‘When love is not madness, it is not love’ ~Pedro Calderon de la Barca—quite ideally therefore Valentine's Day is the time to celebrate this madness, to lionize the very feeling of being in love. Valentine's Day which is typically observed in the 14th of February every year, is the occasion of sheer ardor; it is time to reflect the deep passion whilst shaping up those unspoken words. Throughout the ages, all over the world Valentine's Day is observed with much cheer and enthusiasm.
The unique Romanian traits of celebrating the Valentine's Day in Romania with immense color, magic, dazzle and finesse makes Romania the most sought after destination during this time of the year. The rich culture, ethnicity and the pristine natural beauty of Romania makes the season of love truly romantic.
Romania, the South-West European country, idealizes the typical British aura in the celebration of the Valentine day in Romania which is perfectly the carnival of sharing and caring; the very fete of feeling the verve of love in the pulse. However, it is not on the 14th day of February when Romania celebrates the lovers day rather it is through the traditional celebration of Dragobete, on the 24th day of February, the Romanians celebrates the day of love with colossal passion. The seethe of rose, the thump of exchanging gifts and the effervescence of the day fills the air whilst making it an ideal time to shape those untold words.
Although traditionally 24th February is typically the Valentine Day in Romania, in the recent times the populace of Romania has started observing the 14th day of February as the Valentine's Day.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Melancolia este fericirea de a fi trist

Cine se cauta pe sine gaseste lumea.Cine cauta lumea se gaseste pe sine.
Acesta este un blog de urgente intime.
O modesta floare secreta , poate fi mai bogata in saracia ei decat cel mai pretios trandafir.Ea iti aminteste ca,daca destinul nu depinde de tine,numai de tine depinde ce faci cu ceea ce iti da destinul.
Nu exista desavarsire.Exista drumul spre ea.Nu exista glorie durabila,onoruri stabile.Exista idealul sau.
Melancolia este fericirea de a fi trist.
Soarele rasare umed din valuri si apune in valuri.Azi ca si maine.Maine ca si ieri.Zilele trec si in fiecare zi traiesti in eternitate.Te poti bucura de orice,de soare,de ploaie,de linia tarmului,de oamenii galagiosi si veseli,caraghiosi si frumosi pe care-i vezi de departe.Totul e sa te multumesti cu atat,sa traiesti la nivelul senzatiilor,sa nu-ti mai pui intrebari,sa nu auzi pe nimeni strigand "Chi vuol esser lieto sia..."sa vezi numai gesturile ,copii care se stropesc ,o femeie care danseaza pe nisip.O incertitudine sau o boala ascunsa secera elanurile in acest univers care are ceva din fragilitatea inceputului de toamna,la mare,cand soarele incalzeste plaja goala,iar linistea poate fi orice,impacare,regret,convalescenta luminoasa.
Melancolia n-are nevoie sa vada florile ofilite ca sa ramana pe ganduri.Maine nu se stie ce va fi.
Maine vom vedea ce va ma fi.
Nu ma lamentez pentru a fi compatimita,ci pentru a-mi da curaj,singurul mod de a fi mai tare decat nefericirea fiind acela de a o privi in fata.
Bucuria mea este melancolia.
Dincolo de orice mare e o mlastina.Inoti,inoti,inoti,pentru ce?
Totul imbatraneste,pana si nefericirea.Si nu exista oare o tacere de dincolo de cuvinte,asa cum exista una dinainte de cuvinte.
Traim intr-un secol care nu mai are rabdare sa asculte, si de altfel ce sa ne spuna tacerea cand,adeseori,nici macar strigatele nu mai reusesc sa se faca auzite.
Sunt doar atata cat reusiti sa vedeti dim mine.
De aceea surad.
O zi de dragoste valoreaza mai mult decat eternitatea si "putinul" trait mai mult decat "totul" visat.
Exista o prapastie intre singuratatea voita si singuratea impusa.Prima te apropie de tine insuti.Cea de a doua nu face decat sa te indeparteze de altii.Prima daruie.Cea de a doua frusteaza.Prima e foarte aproape de un inceput de drum.Cea de a doua e foarte aproape de un mormant.

(pentru Dani,din tot sufletul)

Sunday, 7 February 2010


Blown like smooth dunes, by the wind overnight,
the crusted snow glistened in the morning sun's light.

The brilliance danced on the canvas I viewed;
I stood in awe - all faith renewed.

Untouched by man, this scenic vision
proved Nature's pallette conquered her mission.

The winter scene won the artist a prize
for it dazzled and kept the focus of my eyes.

Her magic she wove all through the night -
Nature's painting complete to view in daylight.