Monday, 28 December 2009


"Eu mi-am imaginat intotdeauna Paradisul sub forma unei biblioteci,alte persoane considera ca ar fi o gradina,altii si-l pot inchipui ca un palat,eu l-am imaginat intotdeauna ca o biblioteca si aici ma aflam eu..."spunea candva Joge Luis Borges.Dar...

Orice carte asezata intr-un raft de biblioteca nu este decat un obiect atata vreme cat nimeni nu o deschide.Fiecare volum prinde viata abia atunci cand este luat in mana si citit,iar soarta actuala a cartilor nu este aceea de a fi vii,ci mai degraba de a ramane in stadiul de obiecte.Un alt loc special in care poposesc cartile este anticariatul.Evident,saracia aduce cartile la anticariat.In primul rand,pensionarii,care trebuie sa traiasca dintr-o pensie foarte mica,isi vand cartile vechi,pastrate de mai multe generatii in familie.E foarte trist sa-i vezi pe acesti oameni cum sunt siliti sa se desparta,cu durere in suflet,de ceea ce reprezinta o parte insemnata a vietii lor.Isi vand trecutul , pentru un viitor incert.

O alta categorie care frecventeaza anticariatele sunt tinerii.Cei mai multi isi vand biblioteca cu totul , pentru ca emigreaza si au nevoie de bani.Sunt mai pragmatici si nu au timp de sentimentalisme,de priviri inapoi.Ce ramane in urma lor?Poate doar spectacolul trist al unui lung razboi al cartilor cu ignoranta , cu indiferenta , cu lipsa de responsabilitate a celor care nu rosesc niciodata de propria ignoranta.

Cati dintre cei care au condus Romania ar putea spune,precum Iorga,"....o,sfintele mele care soarta prielnica mi le-a scos inainte,cat va datorez sa sunt om adevarat?"Putini,foarte putini.

Intr-o lume sortita parca abandonarii in haos,in care adevarata criza este cea din suflete,avem nevoie mai mult ca oricand de dascali si de carti.Saracia transforma cartea intr-un simplu obiect.Si e pacat.


I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream.
I can't change the fact that my paintings don't sell. But the time will come when people will recognize that they are worth more than the value of the paints used in the picture.
Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul.
Not infrequently, one encounters copies of important people; and, as with paintings, most people prefer the copy to the original.
I paint paintings because I can't get the experience in any other way but there are many more experiences that are equally satisfying to me and equally inept at answering all my questions, but hover in exactitude in describing themselves and defying me to define their logic.
As far as modern writing is concerned, it is rarely rewarding to translate it, although it might be easy. Translation is very much like copying paintings.
I would rather see the portrait of a dog that I know, than all the allegorical paintings they can show me in the world
I'm passionately involved in life: I love its change, its colour, its movement. To be alive, to be able to see, to walk, to have houses, music, paintings - it's all a miracle.
That's why people listen to music or look at paintings. To get in touch with that wholeness.
Paintings are like a beer, only beer tastes good and it's hard to stop drinking beer.
One of the best things about paintings is their silence-which prompts reflection and random reverie.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

New Year Flowers (White Flowers)

Our host do rise from bed
White Flowers
Serve us (Challah) braided eggbread
Flowers, white flowers

because mommy bake did not
White Flowers
Widemeshed sieve she did not have
Flowers, white flowers

By the time the sieve she got
White Flowers
The kneading bowl was cracked
Flowers, white flowers

Mom yelled at dad why tis so
White Flowers
Why a crack in our bowl
Flowers, white flowers

By the time the bowl was mended
White Flowers
Out of kilter was the oven
Flowers, white flowers

By the time they righted the oven
White Flowers
The New Year was upon us
Flowers, white flowers

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Friday, 25 December 2009


If it were in my powers,
I would bring peace and love,
To this world of ours,
But I don't have magic enough,
I can cross the sky,
and pass by the stars,
But I can't seem to stop,
Any of hatred's wars,
I see children on the street,
With no hope left,
in the eyes.
So many homeless people
with no where to sleep.
And my heart cries.
I can't give the things they need,
Oh But God I would try.
I'm only a fantasy,
that once took wings to fly,
Some are deceived,
by the gifts that money can buy,
But those who truly believe,
see the gift with the heart,
not with the eye,
I sometime stop and go to my knees,
and pause,
and I too always pray,
That we will find a end to wars,
and live in peace one day.
For all those who believe in me,
I will continue my cause,
Across the stars,
over the wars,
On Christmas Eve,
For the hearts that still believe,
In Santa Claus


Friday, 18 December 2009


When you are disappointed,your heart is full of sadness,your soul is full of grief and the smile can't stop on your lips.....I wish you HAPPINESS.When the despair knocks at your door and it will be very hard for you to stay calm,when it is very hard to tolerate others and you have the impression that you dive in your own fear....I wish you PATIENCE.When you are alone,when you miss love,when your heart wants to love without measure....I wish you LOVE.When you are confused and you can't trust ,when you see that what you want and hope is impossible ...I wish you FAITH.When you are sad and the pain from your heart shade your face,when your eyes can't see the beautiful things of life.....I wish you JOY.When you are excited and you can't sleep....I wish you PEACE.When the illness knocks at your door and you body is weak....I wish you HEALTH.When you feel that happiness turned its back,when love seems to be only a memory,when the treason and despair take the place of love....I wish you A NEW OCCASION.End when you got back the happiness and patience,when love is near you,faith is the "engine"of your life,when you have : Joy,Peace,Health and when life offers you New occasions,don't forget that all these are God's gift and the most suitable thing to thank is to share.God let us everything:Bad and Good.It depends on what you choose.If you choose BAD ,you will receive BAD;if you choose GOOD,you will receive good.When?It's a matter of time.


Beef salad;Romanian borsh;Sarmale;Mamaliga - Cornmeal mush;Pork steak in the oven;Drumsticks in the oven;Bloody sausages;Sauerkraut;Baked bellpeppers;Pickles;Jellied pork;Meatballs;Toba;Chisca;Apple pie and pumpkin pie;Brownies;Ness and nut cake.


I don't make a mistake when I say on Christmas every Romanian family have on their table sarmale, caltabosi, carnati and toba. Below you'll find short explanations of these words (and many others) and in the future their recipes. All of them being part of the traditional Christmas food in Romania.
Romanian Christmas food generally use pork (except Advent food). Pork meat, animal's organs, fat and blood. Everything swine has inside is used. Some of them are used for Christmas holidays, others are prepared to be eaten later, till in spring.
I have to warn you. All this food has a lot of fat. Then how can we be well and healthy? Simple. Near all these types of food we drink wine. Red wine. We also drink tuica (plum brandy) as appetizer and we eat a lot of garlic and onion.

All pork preparation things start on Ignat Day. Then all appetizers are prepared and all the rest at least half prepared. The recipes kept from a generation to another differ from household to household (not much) but they can significantly differ from province to province.
OK! Let's see what is Romanian Christmas food about. Appetizers
  • carnati - home made sausages
  • caltabosi - sausages made from heart, liver, lung and meat of the head
  • lebervurst - a paste made from liver and pork fat
  • sangerete - blood sausages
  • jumari - melted fat
  • piftie - pork feet jelly (or aspic?)
  • toba - I found somewhere the name head cheese (?)
  • smoked ham - no comment this time
  • pork liver tart - no comment again
  • pogacele cu jumari - a kind of donates with melted fat
  • winter roll
  • peasant soup with smoked pork meat
  • sour soup with meat balls
Main dish
  • sarmale - cabbage rolls with pork
  • baked gammon
  • baked pork chops
  • breaded pork chops
  • baked pork backhead
  • pork schnitzel
  • meatballs
  • pork's alms
  • grilled carp
  • vegetable hodgepodge
  • sweet bred (cozonac)
  • knot-shaped Christmas bread (colaci de Craciun)
  • lots of cookies
  • lots of layered cakes
  • apple pie in advent time
  • baked apples and many others
  • mamaliga - if names like polenta, maize porridge, tortilla tell you something, please show me the most appropriate
  • balmos - a special food from mamaliga



Twenty years ago, the idyll of the peaceful revolutions against communism across eastern Europe was rudely broken, as Romania suddenly descended into anarchy and bloodshed.

On 22 December 1989, Romania's communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu was overthrown in a violent revolution and fled from the capital, Bucharest. Three days later, he and his wife Elena were executed by firing squad. It was the last of the popular uprisings against communist rule in eastern Europe that year.
After the euphoria of Solidarity's victory in free elections in Poland and the Velvet Revolution in Prague, this was different. The Romanian revolution was the last, and the bloodiest, in the whole region. It came to a head on Christmas Day, when the dictator and his wife were executed in a city near Moreni.
Two days later, video pictures of their summary trial and execution were shown on television in Romania and around the world. Twenty years on, conspiracy theories still abound, suggesting that many of the key events were stage-managed by enemies of democracy - that the Romanian revolution was not a revolution at all, but rather a “ coup d'etat”.
At home he encouraged an extreme kind of personality cult among the population. He skilfully exploited his policy of independence from Moscow within the communist bloc to bolster his position at home and abroad.
He was feted in the White House, in Buckingham Palace and in China's Great Hall of the People.
Ceausescu was a master at playing off the world powers against each other during the Cold War. But when Gorbachev's perestrioka reforms took hold, and one by one the countries of the Warsaw Pact claimed their freedom, his world fell apart.
His downfall came as a result of his violent overreaction to public unrest over local issues such as food shortages, in December 1989.
It began on 15 December with demonstrations in the western city of Timisoara against the harassment of a dissident ethnic-Hungarian priest, Laszlo Tokes.
These soon swelled into a mass protest, in which slogans like "We want bread" soon turned into "Down with Ceausescu".
Ceausescu was away on a visit to Iran at the time, but when he heard of this open challenge to his power he is said to have gone into a blind rage.
He railed against what he thought was a plot against him, orchestrated jointly by the Russians and the Americans. He denounced the army and Securitate generals who had ignored his orders to shoot protestors, and personally ordered troops to fire on the Timisoara demonstrators.
On 17 December they did so, and initial reports suggested many hundreds had been killed. In fact the number of dead was probably fewer than 100, but mass protests quickly spread to many cities, including Bucharest.
Ceausescu sought to restore his own authority on 21 December by stage-managing a show of support for his government, as he had often done before, in Bucharest's main square. But the ploy went disastrously wrong when the crowds interrupted his speech, jeering at Ceausescu live on television.
Parts of the army as well as the Securitate, which had been built up as Ceausescu's private army, were still loyal. But Ceausescu's fate was sealed when senior army generals as well as communist party figures turned against himAmid bloody street battles on 22 December, an angry mass of people stormed Ceausescu's offices. He fled by helicopter, but was seized outside the city. In a summary court martial held in secret, Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were accused of ordering the deaths of 60,000 people, and on Christmas Day they were shot "like dogs".
Anti-Ceausescu forces within the power elite made sure the couple was swiftly put to death. And when pictures showing their dead bodies, riddled with bullets, were broadcast, the street protests subsided.
Within a few days the so-called National Salvation Front, headed by a then little-known communist figure Ion Iliescu, had assumed power and announced the abolition of the one-party system. Iliescu and his allies were to stay in power until 1996.
But rather than carrying out through democratic reforms, successive Romanian governments blocked attempts to prosecute those responsible for the bloodshed of 1989; while much economic power stayed in the hands of shadowy figures from the old regime.
For the past three years Romania's rulers have been committed to democratic change, and a faltering process of democratisation has gone forward.
Recently many of the extravagant gifts the Ceausescus received from world leaders were auctioned off to the public, to try to dispel memories of their megalomaniac rule.
But their dark influence has proved so strong that 10 years after their deaths, the people of Romania are still trying to overcome the legacy of mistrust and secrecy of the Ceausescu years.

from the 15th to the 25th of December 1989

Another file of Romania History

Thursday, 17 December 2009

How much is the doggie in the window


The man is the most distinguished being
The woman is the most sublime ideal
God made a throne for the man
And an altar for the woman
The throne exalts,the altar blesses
The man is the pencil
The woman is the heart
The brain creates the light
The heart creates Love.
The light fecundates
Love resurges.
Through reason,the man is strong
Through tears,the woman is invincible.
The reason convinces
The tears touch.
The man is capable for any heroism
The woman is capable for any sacrifice.
The heroism ennobles
The sacrifice brings the sublime
The man has the supremacy
The woman has the choice
The supremacy means the strength
The choice means the justice.
The man is a genius
The woman is an angel
The genius is immeasurable
The angel is ineffable.
Man’s aspiration is the glory
Woman’s aspiration is the virtue
The glory creates all is great
The virtue creates all is divine
The man is a code
The woman is the Bible.
The code corrects us
The Bible makes us perfect
The man is an eagle
The woman is a nightingale
The fly means to win the space
To sing means to win the soul.
The man is a temple.
The woman is a sanctuary
We uncover our heads in front of a temple
We kneel in front of a sanctuary
We find the man there,where the land ends.
We find the woman there where the sky begins.
This is a homage for women.
Because you brighten up men’s days
Because you give beauty
Because you find time to solve the problem
Because your soul knows what love is
How to give and how to receive
And because time stops for you at the beginning of Spring.


You always have two possibilities to choose.If you have a sad day,I am here to show you how to see the best part of the things.
Someone has asked me one day:"How can you succeed to be so positive ?Nobody can be positive all the time."
In the morning,when I wake up,I say to myself:"Today I have two possibilities:I can choose to be on a bad mood and I can choose to be on a good mood."I always choose to be on a good mood..Sometimes,something wrong happens.I can choose to be the victim or I can choose to learn something from this.I always choose to learn.I always choose the good part of life.But it is not so easy.The most important thing in life is TO CHOOSE.When you remove all the mess,you realize that every situation is a choice.You have to decide how to react,you decide to be happy or to be sad.It's your own choice how you live your life.
When I stayed in hospital,I remembered that I had two choices:to live or to die.I have chosen:LIFE;I want to live.TREAT ME AS I AM ALIVE (I have said to the doctor ).
So,my dear friends:every day you have two choices:to be glad that you are alive,or to hate life.The thing that is always yours,and it can never be under control,is your attitude;in this way ,life becomes easier.
Now,you have two possibilities:
1.Read this blog(comment it)
2.Share it
I hope that you will choose both.


What does it mean to achieve yourself?It means to close the destiny.Like a circle.You are achieved,you can die.You reached the top,you won a battle.You can lie down on the victory's laurels.But,the failure means something else.You can hope,go on,take life from the beginning,try again.Every failure is good:you can tell it;in any defeating you can obtain a victory:to look into its eyes.
The old age is a destiny for each each of us.
Love and do what you want !
We don't know yet how much truth can a man suffer.What could the dose be,that it may not be fatal.How slowly the days and how quickly the years pass!
I am the woman with the least disappointments,because I avoided having hopes.I let others to fill their lives with disappointments.Only what we love is true.The rest is a lie !
I am feeling like in a tunnel.I am walking,therefore.
Two things which you don't share (maybe) with anybody else: the death and the waiting.
I have loved enough;I am resting now.I am too tired.
There,where a will exists,a way exists,too.
The beauty is temporary.
There is too much time for sadness.I don't know what is worse:to be sorry for what you have done or for what you haven't done yet?
Sometimes,one woman is enough to kill a man's desert.
How to be free,if you are alone?
The loneliness doesn't mean freedom,but slavery does.
We are free only if we are tied by a man or an idea.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

'74 - '75


Interview With God

I dreamed I had an interview with God.
“So you would like to interview me?” God asked
“If you have the time” I said.
God smiled
“My time is eternity”
“What questions do you have in mind for me?”
“What surprises you most about humankind?...”
God answered...
“That they get bored with childhood.
They rush to grow up and then
long to be children again.”
“That they lose their health to make money
and then lose their money to restore their health.”
“That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live in neither
the present nor the future.”
That they live as if they will never die,
and die as if they had never lived.”
God’s hand took mine
and we were silent for awhile
And then I asked...
“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons
you want your children to learn?”
God replied with a smile
“To learn they cannot make anyone love them.
What they can do is let themselves be loved.”
“To learn that it is not good
to compare themselves to others.”
“To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most,
but is one who needs the least.”
“To learn that it only takes a few seconds
to open profound wounds in persons we love,
and it takes many years to heal them.”
“To learn to forgive by
practicing forgiveness.”
“To learn that there are persons who love them dearly,
but simply do not know how to express or show
their feelings.”
“To learn that two people
can look at the same thing
and see it differently.”
“To learn that it is not always enough that they
be forgiven by others. But that they must
forgive themselves.”
“And to learn that I am here always.”



I like the quiet on a winter's day;
it has so much to say.
It brings with it new ideas that
ordinarily wouldn't come my way.
Stillness - broken only by the whistle of a
far-off train or the ticking of the clock;
Stillness is when my mind and I never
feel the need to talk.
Eyes see more; thoughts are new;
wonder plays a part;
For in the stillness I hear those things
that are deep within my heart.


The wind was spreading nervously my hair,was patting my cheek,,my tanned skin.
Land and Sun!
And I,bare-footed,with my legs plunged deeply in the sand,was looking through the eyelashes the game of the rays of sunshine,was looking the blue of the sky,which,somewhere,somehow,was joined in an odd way the blue sea.
I hold the arms with joy and intemperate desire to the sky.I wanted to catch a cloud and on it,to wander about the reach,maybe,the Sun.But my arms descented disappointed and big and warm tears glittered in my eyes.The sky was too far away,and I,I was too little.
And look ! After that grey cloud,the witch was making a mock at me,showing her big teeth.
Further,on a small cloud The Prince Charming was waving friendly a hand,while his image was becoming tremulous,vague,losing painfully in the eternity.
I was looking surprisingly without understanding and the wanderer wind wiped me a tear,urging me to play.My steps were letting deep marks in the hot sand.My hands were making sand castles for beautiful fairies with blond hair and blue eyes like the sky and funny dwarfs with long beards.
The red eye of the Sun was rolling,there,up,reflecting itself in the sea.
I wanted to catch the Sun in the water,but the cold drops were enshrouding me and the Sun was disappearing.
Big tears were running again on my cheeks.
The last ray of sunshine kissed my cheeks and the smile came into sight in the red light of that summer evening.
The game was over.


The violin in my heart is
Frozen on this winter and
I can hear only noise;no music.
And the lyric of my life is stolen.

My tender heart is aching and I am
Just like a last leaf in the Autumn
Tree,ready to fall on any day and
My mind is floating like a feather.

I am holding onto a falling branch
Of a huge tree and I don't know the
Depth,or the distance I have to travel
Or to jump to reach the Earth as it is

Too dark and cold down there
The wind is so strong and I am
Trembling like a little grass in rain
Still my dreams are flying up like a

Colourful kite which dances and
Plays with the angels in the sky
Is it hope leading my life?Or
Maybe,I am a hopeless daydreamer....


Welcome to my world
Waiting just for you
Mirical I guess
Step into my heart
Knock and the door will be opened.
Welcome to my world
Won't you come on in
Miracles I guess
Still happen now and then.
Step into my heart
Leave your cares behind
Welcome to my world
Build with you in mind.
Knock and you will find
Ask and you'll be given
The key to this world of mine.
I'll be waiting here
With my arms unfurled.
Waiting just for you
Welcome to my world !

Tuesday, 15 December 2009



If I were a month, I would be August.
If I were a day of the week, I would be Thursday.
If I were a time of day, I would be 3:45 am.
If I were a sea animal, I would be a turtle.
If I were a direction, I would be the straight up to the 9th heaven one.
If I were a virtue, I would be a... hmmm... only stubbornness counts?
If I were a historical figure I would be... a new one .
If I were a planet, I would be Neptune.
If I were a liquid, I would be cherry liqueur.
If I were a stone, I would be a ruby.
If I were a bird, I would be a swallow.
If I were a flower/plant, I would be a Vanda orchid.
If I were a kind of weather, I would be a warm summer rain.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a piano.
If I were an emotion, I would be belly butterflies.
If I were a sound, I would be a baby laughter.
If I were an element, I would be earth.
If I were a song, I would be Supergirl - Reamonn.
If I were a movie, I would be The sound of music.
If I were a TV-series, I would be an interesting one
If I were a book, I would be Caminante – Octavian Paler.
If I were a fictional character, I would be Mary Poppins.
If I were a food, I would be a banana and chocolate mousse cake.
If I were a city, I would be Malmo.
If I were a taste, I would be bitter sweet.

If I were a scent, I would be milky-orange.
If I were a colour, I would be madly-in-love red.
If I were a fabric, I would be cashmere.
If I were a word, I would be emotion.
If I were a body part, I would be *lips*.
If I were a facial expression, I would be daydreaming or raised eyebrow.
If I were a subject in school, I would be Literature.
If I were a cartoon character, I would be Minnie .
If I were a shape, I would be a star.
If I were a number, I would be 17.
If I were a car, I would be a light violet, little one with coloured flowers and a always "I'll make you happy" mood .
If I were an item of clothing, I would be a large, cotton T-shirt.

Why roses ?
Because Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.
A single rose can be my garden...a single friend, my world.
A relationship is like a rose, How long it lasts, no one knows. Love can erase an awful past, love can be yours, you'll see at last. To feel that love, it makes you sigh, To have it leave, you'd rather die. You hope you've found that special rose, 'cause you love and care for the one you chose.
You are responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose.
Life is a rose; beware of the thorns.
True friendship is like a rose. We can't realize it's beauty until it fades.
Because The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart.
Beauty without virtue is like a rose without scent.
The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.
Love is like a rose. It looks beautiful on the outside...but there is always pain hidden somewhere.
Do not watch the petals fall from the rose with sadness, know that, like life, things sometimes must fade, before they can bloom again.
Life is like a rose garden - Watch for the thorns and keep the pest dust handy
Every rose has its thorn:- you never find a woman without pins and needles
A thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom.
Man is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose.

Why friends?
Because To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.
This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.
A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you.
Friendship is a treasured gift, and every time I talk with you I feel as if I'm getting richer and richer
Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one
The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing... not healing, not curing... that is a friend who cares.
Are you upset little friend? Have you been lying awake worrying? Well, don't worry...I'm here. The flood waters will recede, the famine will end, the sun will shine tomorrow, and I will always be here to take care of you. "


Why life?
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Enjoy life,this is not a rehearsal.Think highly of yourself because the world takes you at your own estimate.
Don't fear pressure for pressure is what turns rough stones into diamonds.
Live each day in the present and make it beautiful.
Believe that your life is worth living and your beliefs will help create the fact.
Wherever you go,take your whole heart along.
If you love life,life will love you back.
Heal the past . live the present,dream the future.
Don't count the days,make the days count.
The key to happiness is having dreams.
The key to success is making dreams come true.
The world is like a mirror:if you face it smiling,it smiles right back.
Happiness is not having what you want.It's wanting what you have.
Learn to listen.Sometimes,opportunity knocks very softly.
Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18.
Good times become memories.Bad times become good lessons.
It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast.
Success is to get what you want;luck is to keep what you get.
I look to the future because that is where I am going to spend the rest of my life.
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.